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Perpendicular Women: Adventures in the Multiverse

Here’s a review that provides an excellent summary. Huge thanks to Literary Titan.

Perpendicular Women takes readers on an extraordinary journey as it intertwines the lives of two remarkable women, Kara Cuesta, and Pandora Garnett, hailing from different universes. Their quests to heal their respective worlds provide a captivating narrative that combines science fiction elements, family dynamics, and profound personal transformation. Author Chris Coward skillfully crafts a love story that transcends boundaries and compels readers to ponder the nature of reality.

Within the pages of this enthralling novel, Coward presents a captivating cosmology, a tapestry of alternate universes that unveils boundless possibilities and sparks contemplation about the intricate paths we traverse in our own lives. The exploration of multiverses not only adds depth to the story but also serves as a metaphor for the diverse choices we face. As readers, we are invited to accompany Kara and Pandora as they navigate these unique realms, grappling with formidable challenges that mirror their internal struggles. In doing so, we witness their personal growth and come to understand the interconnectivity of their missions.

Coward’s character development is a true delight. Kara’s journey resonates deeply as she embodies the complexities of a wife and mother striving to restore harmony within her family amidst life’s formidable obstacles. Her struggles mirror our own, evoking empathy and introspection. On the other hand, Pandora exemplifies the relentless pursuit to avert a catastrophic future. Drawing upon her technological expertise and unwavering determination, she inspires us to consider the power of individual agency. Together, Kara and Pandora’s paths unexpectedly converge, illuminating the potency of connection and collaborative effort.

The book’s riveting action compels readers from start to finish, as each alternate universe unveils fresh perils and trials, testing the characters’ resilience and resourcefulness. The narrative’s well-balanced pacing seamlessly interweaves moments of introspection and character development with heart-pounding encounters and high-stakes situations. Through this skillful arrangement, Coward invites us to ponder not only the external challenges the characters face but also their internal struggles and transformative journeys.

Perpendicular Women leaves an indelible impression, inviting readers to question the very fabric of their own reality and embrace the hidden potentials residing within their hearts. It is an absolute must-read for enthusiasts of the science fiction genre, as well as those yearning for narratives that delve into the intricate dynamics of human relationships and personal metamorphosis. This remarkable debut stands as a testament to the enduring power of resilience, love, and the unconquerable human spirit.

--Literary Titan, July 18, 2023 https://literarytitan.com/2023/07/18/perpendicular-women/



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Perpendicular Women: Adventures in the Multiverse